Archives 2018

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What is Meant by Snout to Vent

Greg Graziani says, back in the days when reptiles were primarily obtained from the wild, it was more common to compare them in length. A 5' rat snake was more valuable than a 4' rat snake. But today in the captive breeding of pet reptiles, weight tends to be more commonly used.

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All the Lizards!

Today we have added a new category on MorphMarket for Lizards. After creating many Gecko categories and also Bearded Dragons last month, this new area covers all the remaining of lizards species.

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We periodically send a newsletter to all our active sellers and members. Here's the Winter 2018 Update.

If you are an active seller or member and it didn't show up in your inbox, dig it out of your promotional or spam folder so your mail will correctly categorize it in the future.

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Bearded Dragons

We've just added a category for Bearded Dragons. There are more than 100 bearded dragons available in Hypo, Leatherback, Translucent, Zero and other traits. For one of the most popular reptiles kept, this is a very modest initial offering, but we expect this area to grow substantially over the next year. Stay tuned for many new categories in the Gecko and Lizard area in next few months.

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Ordering a live animal online is a more complex process than going down the street to the pet store, but the rewards are numerous: wider variety, higher quality, and better prices.

Part of having a good experience is knowing what to expect. In our new article titled What Buyers Can Expect, we'll give you an idea of what is typical when purchasing a reptile online.

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We want you to get the best possible results when shopping for and purchasing your exotic reptile and so we've put together a list of best practices.

This new article titled Inquiry Best Practices gives you a better idea of what goes on in a conversation with a seller and how to get the best responses.

We've formed these tips from our experience of facilitating thousands of transactions and collecting feedback from hundreds of breeders.

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