Archives 2019

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We've just rolled out an automatic process for managing unresponsive seller accounts. This is only applicable to the bottom 2% of our 2,000 sellers, who are not responding to a majority of their inquiries. (This is also in addition to the reminder emails which go out for inquiries several days after no response.)

  • After becoming unresponsive, the seller will get a private warning notice on their inventory page. This should be highly visible to them and is useful in case they are not seeing our emails for some reason.
  • After one week, they will be sent an email notice.
  • After two weeks, the ads will be automatically expired.

Read the full article and respond on the MRC.

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Shipping Animals Home From Tinley Park

If you're flying in to the NARBC show at Tinley Park and you're wondering how you can shop for animals, ShipYourReptiles has your solution. Shop for animals at the show, then bring them to the SYR table and they'll ship them home for you.

Whether you're looking for multiple animals to fill out your collection and breeding plans, or just looking for that one perfect dream animal, they'll have everything you need to ship them safely home, including shipping supplies, discounted shipping labels, and staff that will expertly pack your animals and make sure they are delivered safely into the hands of FedEx on Monday morning. All packages will ship out on Monday for Tuesday delivery.

If you're new to shipping, SYR will set up an account for you, and you can use the coupon code MORPH45 to get 45% off the FedEx retail rate for that shipment.

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MorphMarket market and community sites experienced several hours of downtime this morning due to a major outage at Amazon Web Services. This outage has most likely affected thousands of websites, although some of the larger sites (like Reddit, Twitter, Spotify) may have only been affected in some of their services.

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Customer Testimonials

Today we introduce “Customer Testimonials”, a new feature that highlights a seller’s positive customer feedback.

While all sellers are able to accumulate ratings, the Standard and Premium membership plans now allow a seller to promote several of these ratings directly on their Store Page.

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Seller Responsiveness Metrics

Great businesses don’t just provide a great product; they also provide great service. One metric of customer service is responsiveness to buyers. On MorphMarket we capture this in the Responsiveness Rating and Average Response Time.

We've just added several features related to Seller Responsiveness Metrics.

  • Responsiveness is now shown on the Store Page
  • New tools to help sellers locate and respond to messages needing a reply

Read all about it here:

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At MorphMarket, we take fraud very seriously. We have gone to great lengths to help buyers avoid getting scammed, and yet it never fails that on the occasion that a scammer pops up, a few unexperienced buyers are quickly drawn in.

The point of this post is to outline what MorphMarket does and does not do to protect against fraudulent sellers.

Continue reading on the MorphMarket Reptile Community...

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How to Avoid Fraud as a Seller

Most of the time we think about buyers being the one at risk, however sellers can end up getting shorted too. Here's a great thread by John Dague about How to Avoid Fraud as a Seller. Please add your thoughts and methods as well.

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