Archives August 2020

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Weight and Food Search Filters

What's on the menu? Mealworms, vegetables, or quail?

We've just added two new advanced search options. Filter your results to animals eating a certain kind of food and/or having a certain weight.

Like usual, when these search filters are enabled, only ads with these fields set will be shown. This is a benefit to sellers who put more information into their ads.

We know there are some other fields not yet in search, but these are the ones we have had most frequently requested.

So have at it. Kinda fun to poke around and see what comes up for a given size and/or diet.

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Amphibian Categories Added

As promised last week, we've now added Amphibian support!

There are 10 subcategories: Tree frogs, Dart frogs, Horned frogs, Bullfrogs, Other Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, Newts, Axolotls and Other Amphibians.

Didn’t we just add Invertebrates last week? That’s right, MorphMarket isn’t just for Reptiles anymore. And in 4 days 32 Invert breeders have created 126 ads. We couldn’t believe how fast that area has populated.

Please help us get this going by spreading the word online!

As a reminder, in the future we can elevate subcategories to be their own top level categories, like Axolotls or Toads, at which point they’d enjoy traits and other benefits. We have some other subcategories in the market which we need to revisit soon for exactly this purpose.

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Inverts Categories Added

We're excited to announce the addition of Invertebrates!

There are 12 subcategories: Beetles, Centipedes, Millipedes, Isopods, Mantises, Scorpions, Tarantulas, True Spiders, Solifugae, Assassin Bugs, Stick Insects, and Other Invertebrates.

Please help us get this going by spreading the word online! We already have dozens of animals listed.

With inverts, MorphMarket makes its first move beyond Reptiles. Stayed tuned for Amphibians which we plan to add within the week.

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Improved Category and Store Selection

As we've added more categories and subcategories to the site, the category selection option has become a real pain to use. This option is in the advanced search as well as for sellers when they create, import or modify ads.

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