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Blocking a User

Block User is a feature in our messaging system. This action is similar to Decline Inquiry but stronger. When a seller blocks an inquiring buyer, it will close that inquiry and prevent any future inquiries from the user.

Block User is a quick reply action that is found on your messages page with the other quick reply actions. Blocking will send a decline message and close this inquiry thread along with any others from the user. In addition, it prevents any new inquiries from the user.

To undo, re-open a thread, and click reply and use the unblock button. This will not, however, re-open all the threads.

Currently Block User is only available to a sellers receiving an inquiry. In the future it may be available more broadly, but the main purpose for now is to block repeated inquiries and this is only applicable to sellers. Last week, we added Block Store for buyers, a feature that excludes ads from a seller from search results.

In this feature we also repositioned the quick action buttons to reduce accidental presses.