Category archives: Features

New MorphMarket product features.

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Real Time Messaging

Over the years we have continued to invest in our technology that helps buyers and sellers communicate.

  • Originally, inquiries were email only.
  • Later we added messages on our site that were synced with the email.
  • About a year ago, we replaced this page with the Messenger which is in use today.
  • Then we added attachment support.

At long last, the MorphMarket Messenger now supports “instant messaging”!

  • You no longer need to refresh the screen to see if a new message has come in.
  • When the other party is typing a reply, you’ll see an animated “...” symbol.
  • The “new message” indicator will turn green right away when a new message has arrived.

For messaging on the go, make sure to install the MorphMarket app. It adds push notifications so you’ll be immediately notified of new messages. Faster responses will generally result in more closed sales!

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Navigation Upgrades

Finding your way around MorphMarket has never been easier! If you’re viewing the site from a desktop computer, you may have noticed a new look.

We’ve added a menu header across the top that includes all the major areas of the site, such as calculators, events, Morphpedia, etc.

  • Depending on the width of your viewing window, some of these features may be compressed. If something seems missing, just click on the trio of dots at the right end of the header to find them.
  • To further increase your efficiency, your most recently visited Categories are prioritized in that menu for easy access.

If you’re logged into your account, you’ll also see a sidebar of icons along the left side of your screen. These will give you immediate access to all the areas of the site related to your account. This includes the animal manager, offspring, messenger, favorites, account settings…everything you need.

  • If you’re unsure about what the icons mean, toggle the switch in the bottom left corner to open it up all the way.
  • Once you are familiar with the icons, you can close it to free up more screen real-estate.

We know the site has a LOT of stuff on it, and these improvements should help new and old users alike navigate with ease. Plus, it gives us more room to keep growing!

There's more polish coming, but let us know what you think. We’re always working to improve the site and listen to your opinions.

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Mixed Groups for Sale? Pairs? Trios?

Have you ever wanted to offer up for sale (or find to buy) that perfect breeding pair or trio? Do you have four or five animals that you'd like to sell together all at once, rather than one at a time?

Well now you can!

We've adjusted our rules for advertising multiple animals — even with different sex or genetics — in a single ad. So long as the animals all belong to the same Category, you can advertise them as pairs, trios, or larger groups. These ads can include animals with different genetic traits, as well as different sexes, ages, size, etc.

A new sex option "Mixed" has been added to support this use case.

There are some simple, but very specific protocols to follow for these kinds of ads, so please review the new rules carefully before you begin posting your ads found in Section 3.13. In particular, you must make sure to check the "Group" option. This is available to Basic members and above.

Buyers can also search for these deals. In filters for the new search, click "More Filters" then use the "Individual or Group" option under "Animal Options". You can run that search right now.

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NFS Collections Update

Back in August, we announced a new animal management feature called Collections. This lets you show off all your Not For Sale (NFS) animals to the world.

To use this, just add animals with "Not For Sale" state and "Public" visibility. Prospective buyers can click a link on your Store Page there to browse your ENTIRE collection OR at least the ones you want to make public. From that page you can also click the Share button to drive more traffic to your Store Page.

Here's the new part: At first we had some additional restrictions to try to limit folks from using this feature to actually sell animals marked as NFS.

We changed our mind! While NFS animals won't show up in user searches on animals for sale, and users shouldn't be using this to actively sell animals, why let a few folks ruin this great feature for thousands of others.

So we have relaxed those limitations. Anyone with any paid membership can show off all the animals in their Collection.

Now let's see those beautiful holdbacks!

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Recently we added the new animal search with many new filters. Now, you can really dial in for certain trait combos. Let's look at that in detail.

For a while now you've been able to:

  • Choose traits you want to include and exclude.
  • If you want to ONLY match animals with this exact combo, check the box "No additional traits".
  • If you want to control the total number of traits in the animal, set min and max values.

Trait Counting is the new killer search feature. It allows you to require certain kinds of extra traits. Let's say you are looking for a Firefly (Pastel Fire) Ball Python, but you also want it to include:

  • +1 visual recessive: Put min 1, max 1 and under counting choose Visual Recessives.
  • +Double hets: Put min 2, max 2 and under counting choose Het Recessives.
  • +2 or more of any recessive form: Put min 2, and under counting choose Any Recessive. This could match a "Firefly TSK Axanthic het Pied" or a "Firefly TSK Axanthic Pied".

Of course that's just the genetics. You can also add around 30 extra filters to further control your matches. Examples include:

  • Limit to a single seller
  • Limit to all sellers you follow
  • Limit to sellers with USARK badge
  • Limit to those with payment plans on animals as low as $500

And on and on...

You spent all that time to setup the search so Save it. You want us to let you know when one hits the market? Turn on the Alert. Let the fun begin.

Watch the video to see it in action!

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MorphMarket users can now get email & mobile notifications when animals they have been looking for hit the market. This is also known as "In Search Of" alerts.

But it gets better for Breeders. You can preconfigure ANY search alert and share it with others. With only a couple of clicks, your fans can start receiving notifications of your newly listed animals.

Use Case: Create Sharable Alert for Your New Listings (shown in the video)

  1. Visit the new search.
  2. Under the “Seller” filters, choose your own store (on mobile, filters are under the sliders icon).
  3. Hit the "Save Search" button (on mobile, it's the heart icon). Optionally set a name like "JDC Listings" and enable an alert.
  4. Click "Share" to copy the link.
  5. Paste that link into an email or share it on Facebook with your followers.

All they have to do is follow the link and click "Save", and they'll start getting alerts every time you post a new listing! This will really keep your fans engaged.

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Genetic Testing Now Available!

Exactly a month ago, we announced our partnership with Rare Genetics Inc. to bring you reliable and affordable genetic testing for your reptiles.

Great news -- IT'S READY!

Click here to see currently available tests, prices, FAQ's and to place orders.

This testing is useful in so many ways:

  • Save years of time by immediately proving your breeders
  • Increase your sales by selling Pos Hets as 100% Het
  • Verify that your purchases were advertised correctly
  • Discover genes in your lines that you didn't even know about
  • Distinguish between incomplete dominants like Asphalt/Gravel/YB in the future
  • Find out if your pet is a boy or girl

Please let us know if you have any questions not answered on the FAQ's.

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Both iOS & Android Apps Available

In case you missed it, we just rolled out a new version of the MorphMarket App. It's now available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

The new app will directly notify you when other users send you a message. Soon, we'll add other exciting alerts as well.

Since our last post about the app, we've sped up the alerts. They should now usually arrive in about 30 seconds or less.

Read all the details in our previous post.

Let us know if you have any questions!

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New Search & Saved Searches

When John first created MorphMarket, his primary goal was to make it easy to find very specific animals. That's always been core to our mission. Today we are excited to announce that animal search has just gotten a lot more powerful!

Try out the new search by hitting the blue "Try New Search" button on any search results page.


If you're on a desktop computer, the first thing you will note is that the filters have been moved to the left sidebar. This is a modern design that makes great use of the full screen. As you adjust the search filters, results update automatically and smoothly.

On mobile devices, the search controls are under the "sliders" button. We're still tweaking the mobile designs to make the best use of the limited screen space (on this and other pages).

Let's talk about those new features.

Search Filters

The new search now contains over 30 filters to find exactly what you're looking for!

  • Keywords: above the other filters is an input where you can type in a keyword or animal ID.
  • Location: for the US region we've added a State filter. This gives you a new way to limit the area you're searching.
  • Genetics: In addition to included/excluded traits and min/max trait counts, we've added several new options.
    • Any trait form: causes recessives to match both hets and visuals.
    • No additional traits: limits your search to the exact traits provided. We're not 100% satisfied with the trait select itself, a component which is used throughout the site. We'll keep improving it.
  • Animal Origin: how the animal was sourced.
  • Seller: In addition to filtering to a specific seller, you can now search across all sellers that you are following. You can access those followed sellers via the menu. As before, the sellers you've blocked will always be excluded from your results.

But wait, there's more:

  • Individual/Group: to find those group ads.
  • Payment Type & Payment Plan: to filter by payment considerations. Minimum payment plan means the seller is willing to consider payments plans equal to or greater than this value.
  • Extra checkboxes: are pretty self explanatory.
    • Will Trade
    • Proven Breeder
    • Actual Photo
    • Has Video
    • Inquire for Price
    • USARK Membership


There are 15 ways to sort results, and we've added a new option called "Distance" to rank results nearest to you. This requires Location Settings enabled in your browser for our site.

Saved Searches

Who has the time to re-enter those complex searches each day?

Finally, you can save your searches. Just click the "Save Search" button. On mobile, this is a heart button. Access and run your previously Saved Searches at any time through the main menu.

Alerts - Coming Soon!

We're pretty proud of the new features mentioned above, but we're about to release a monster feature. What if we notified you when animals hit the market that matched your saved searches? Hmm...

We hope you enjoy these features. You can also read about the new search in our help documentation.

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Brian Kusko walks you through adding your Not For Sale animals into MorphMarket, using import 2.0 (part 1). Brian is able to do this even while being sick, so you can too. ;)

Note that you don't need to use import to accomplish this. If you want to keep it simple, just use the "Add Animal" option to add them one by one. But if you have more than 10-20 animals it's recommended to learn this approach.

Learn more about Import 2.0 in here.