Type: Recessive
First Produced By: Vida Preciosa International
Aliases: VPI Albino, VPI T+
Issues: Photophobia
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Rarest
Last Updated: 2023-09-05
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Vpi Albino is a recessive mutation.
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While the word photophobia literally translates to a "fear of light”. Its not actually that you are scared of light, but instead, are incredibly sensitive to it. Animals with albinism experience photophobia due to the lack of pigment in the iris, which does not allow the eyes to filter out light.
In 1996, two unusual Albino boas were serendipitously born in the collection of Becky Hutchins of Texas. These animal and their siblings were acquired by VPI soon after they were born. [1]
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Some individuals also show a wash of pink in the background color, primarily to the sides of the face & body, these are referred to as ‘pink panthers’. [2]
VPI Albinos have a pale background color with reduced black pigmentation. Saddle marking are much lighter. They have more color than the Kahl and Sharp Albino boas. Areas of black pattern are replaced with a medium purple-gray.
The tail follows the same patterning and coloration as the rest of the body.
No known related traits
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