Adult Fire Male Boa Constrictor by
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2020 Female Fire Diamond Boa Constrictor by
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    First Produced By: Jeremy Stone

    Aliases: Princess Diamond (Female), Emperor Diamond (Male)

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Rarest

    Last Updated: 2024-11-11

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    A Leucistic gene. Brought into culture by Jeremy Stone, the first CBB examples were born in Italy from hets Jeremy produced. The hets have a unique form, and this morph can be properly viewed as incomplete dominant. The Super (homozygous) phenotype is Leucistic. [1]

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    "In 2005 I got a Special Call from a friend. This was the most amazing Boa Constrictor I have ever laid my eyes on, and we quietly worked out negotiations to obtain the animal. I felt my princess Diamond project could be complete. Since this time, very few people even knew of the existence, and a few US Breeders helped me keep my project quiet so I could establish it for breeding. We do not believe the rumors of Sub Species that are attached as this is an EMPEROR PROJECT. A Boa Constrictor Imperator Project.

    Diamond is unique because this one of the few Exotic White Reptiles that has a Diamond shaped head without pits. Unlike many of the White Exotic Reptiles, you will notice a big difference in the head. Diamond has a Jet Black eye with a red pupil. He also has a few scales of pigment through his body similar to many other white animals. You can see all the muscles in the body because of the pure white skin and no pattern. This is the most incredible snake I have ever seen. In all the years I have been breeding snakes, I have never worked with a Boa Constrictor as captivating as my male we call “Diamond”. This was a once in a Lifetime opportunity for me as an avid collector. I feel very fortunate to be able to work and produce babies from such a fascinating animal.

    History: In 2009 we attempted to breed Male Diamond with No luck. He was just getting started with not much action to the females I selected, and we did not produce from him. In 2010 we were very fortunate to be able to produce a handful of babies. The babies are quite unique and very pretty. They have a special look. I would not show off the project until I felt secure with babies.

    There have been, rumors of different white animals. I could only confirm one that was a beautiful BCC female in a foreign nation. There are two confirmed sightings, and both are different snakes according to eye witnesses. Rio Animal by Globomundo, and a separate film crew has varified this. I had great interest in the other Female Boa knowing that I had a male. However, I believe they would be incompatible, and the health and availability of that animal “female” was always in question. BCI do not exist there. I have kept my eye out since 2006 and sorted through many animals that had different looks. Up to this point, I have yet to see anything close, and I doubt I ever will. I have been able to identify genetic “Markers”. Aditional sightings of two white boas in Central America have been reported. Many have the same markings and Phenotype characteristics of this project. However, I am confident breeders around the world will have to prove them to be compatible to make a Super Fire Diamond. I felt they looked like Albinos. They may or May not be a True Super Fire that is proven to be healthy into adulthood like the boa I refer to as “Diamond”.
    (UPDATE) In 2014 we did prove seperate, a Central American CA Fire Diamond to be compatible and genetic. It was not linked to the Two I felt were albinos but had visual characteristic that are unique. We will refer to them as CA Fire Diamonds. This is why I can feel confident in saying that the Princess Diamond Project is here to stay. (They are similar to the Tiger Boa, but you need to prove them compatible to call them CA Fire Diamonds)

    Due to the rarity of Princess Diamond project. In a few years I hope to travel and show people a live version of a “Princess Diamond” baby white Boa. This is the best project I have ever worked with. The PD project has helped me stay positive in a down Boa Market the past few years. I have a strong passion in breeding for the ultimate Designer Boa Constrictor.

    UPDATE: 2013: Diamond was retired from Breeding in 2012 and will no longer produce any direct offspring.
    Why the name Princess Diamond for a white Boa? The Name has personal meaning to our family and business. We will refer to this project as the Princess Diamond Project. A “white Snake female” Did pass away, and I can confirm this. We also call the project "Princess Diamond ” out of respect. [2]

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