Nelsons corn by Solar Serpents
Nelsons corn by Solar Serpents
Jungle Corn by Snakes at Sunset
Jungle Corn by Snakes at Sunset
Pueblacorn by Milksnake Mutations
Pueblacorn by Milksnake Mutations
50%  Amel Corn, 25% Cal King, 25% Ruthvens by Milksnake Mutations
50% Amel Corn, 25% Cal King, 25% Ruthvens by Milksnake Mutations


    Type: Other

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Lower

    Last Updated: 2023-01-14

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    Hybrids between corn snakes and any other snake is very common in captivity, but rarely occurs in the wild. Hybrids within the genera Pantherophis, Lampropeltis, or Pituophis so far have been proven to be completely fertile. [1]

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    The head is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.


    The body is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.


    The belly is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.


    The tail is dependent upon the Hybrid in question.


    Most consider the majority of corns in the hobby to be hybrids, unless it is an actually lineage traced animal, with it being generally agreed that there is too much hybrid blood floating around in the corn snake gene pool to assume purity of any individual.

    The prolific nature of external mutations in corns was able to happen in large part because the species that they originated in had a high degree of similarity, in both phenotype and physiology, to corns so the hybrids between them were not particularly unusual when viewed beside a normal corn. As such, specific “Corn Snake traits”, such as Ultra & Scaleless, originated from other snake species. [2]

    Proven Lines

    Related Traits

    Many different corn snake hybrids are bred in captivity. A few common examples include:

    • Jungle corn snakes are hybrids between a corn snake and a California kingsnake ( Lampropeltis californiae ). These show extreme pattern variations, taking markings from both parents. Although they are hybrids of different genera, they are not sterile.
    • Tri-color Jungle corn snakes are hybrids between a Querétaro kingsnake and a corn snake. The color is similar to that of an amelanistic corn snake.
    • Creamsicle corn snakes are hybrids between an albino corn snake and a Great Plains rat snake ( P. emoryi ). The first-generation hybrids are known as “Rootbeers”. Breeding these back to each other can produce Creamsicles.
    • Turbo corn snakes are hybrids between a corn snake and any Pituophis species.
    • Corn snakes hybridized with milk snakes are called a variety of names, depending on the subspecies of milk snake used. For example, a Honduran milk snake × corn snake is called a Cornduran , a Sinaloan milk snake × corn snake is called a Sinacorn and a Pueblan milk snake × corn snake is called a Pueblacorn .
    • Brook Korn corn snakes are hybrids between a Brook’s kingsnake and a corn snake. Like the jungle corn snake, these hybrids also show extreme pattern variations.

    When hybrids of corn snakes are found in the wild, they have usually hybridized with other Pantherophis species whose ranges overlap with corn snakes. [6]


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    50% Corn, 25% Cal King, 25% Ruthvens by Milksnake Mutations

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