Scaleless Corn Snake by Safari Pets
Scaleless Corn Snake by Safari Pets
Scaleless Corn Snake by Travis Whisler Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by Travis Whisler Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by Travis Whisler Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by Travis Whisler Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless Corn Snake by BHB Reptiles
Scaleless by SMR
Scaleless by SMR


    First Produced By: Richard Dijoux

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Higher

    Last Updated: 2022-01-14

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    Scaleless is a recessive mutation founded by Richard Dijoux in 2002.

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    Scaleless corns are typically healthy and have nearly the same care requirements as a normally scaled corn. Care should be taken to avoid placing any sharp hides or decor in their enclosure. They don’t generally need any help hatching, shedding, or eating. Scaleless corns should absolutely not be fed live prey due to the risk of receiving a bite or scratch.


    Scaleless corns were first produced by Richard Dijoux in 2002 by crossing a Great Plains rat snake with a corn snake.

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    The head of a scaleless corn is almost entirely scaleless. However, they do often have scales around the nose and lips. The scale that covers the eye is always present in scaleless corns. Baby scaleless corns do hatch with an egg tooth and do not generally need any assistance cutting their eggs. The eyes on scaleless corns often appear a bit larger than on normally scaled corns. This is due to the scales that are missing around the eye; the eye itself is not actually larger than normal. The head colors on a scaleless corn will be in the range of typical corn snake colors. Sometimes the head will be a more faded color than the body, often with pale gray covering the snout. The pattern will generally be the same as a normal corn, with a V-shape behind the eyes, although the band across the nose is often missing, instead being replaced by pale gray. Due to the lack of scales, the head pattern will appear softer, with less definition. Some examples will have a very reduced head pattern.


    The body of a scaleless corn is lacking all or most of its scales. They occasionally will have a small spatter of tiny round scales, usually along the dorsal area, but can be present at any point on the body. Due to the lack of scales, most scaleless corns have a wrinkled appearance. They have a very velvety, soft feel. The colors of a scaleless fall within the range of normal corn snake colors - oranges, reds, and tan are common, with smaller amounts of black and white. Many scaleless corns have a higher color saturation than a normally scaled corn. The pattern has a much smoother appearance than a normal corn, with blobby shapes for saddles instead of sharply defined saddles with jagged edges. The borders of the saddles are often thick and black and fade towards the center of the saddle. The lateral patterning can be reduced or just simple circles, or sometimes appear like drips coming down from the saddles.


    The belly of a scaleless corn actually does have scales. Most of the time, the scales on the belly are completely normal, both in shape and checker placement and color. Some scaleless bellies will have slightly deformed scales that are a bit smaller with rounded edges. Some will have a break in the scales along the edges of the belly, or have a split in the scales in the center of the belly. Some scaleless corns will be missing the scale covering their vent.


    The tail of a scaleless corn will follow the color and pattern of the body. Having some scales still present on the tail is very common.


    Some people are highly against the breeding of scaleless corns, either because they are perceived as deformed or disabled, or due to their hybrid ancestry.

    Proven Lines

    No known proven lines

    Related Traits


    Microscale was proven to be allelic to scaleless in 2021 by Wyre Forest Reptiles


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