Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc
Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc
Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc
Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc
Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc
Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc
Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc
Mosaic Gargoyle Gecko by BB's crested geckos inc


    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Lower

    Last Updated: 2022-04-26

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    Base pattern of the gecko, generally a black or dark brown pigmentation, which changes based upon being fired up or down. When fired up, this is when the maximum amount of pigment is exhibited. When fired down, the pigment expressing cells are inactive and are either greatly muted or not visible. We have two main basic base pattern categories: Striped and Reticulated. From there, we have other forms that are also important to note individually: Super Stripe, Banded, Mosaic and Mottled. [1]

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    The head is unaffected by this trait.


    This base pattern is more rare, and somewhat of a combination of both stripe and reticulated without the predictability of normal banding. This pattern shows bold markings that randomly mesh between striped, reticulated and bands with little to no consistency. This patterning is generally pretty random, but more commonly found in a stripe based animal, but has been noted in reticulated based animals. Mosaic patterning is usually more recognizable in the lateral patterning of the gecko. Breeding mosaic gargoyles with other mosaics has increased the occurrences of producing mosaic babies.

    There is some variation between the expression of mosaic patterning from animal to animal. Some can be considered high expression mosaics showing very bold and defined patterning that falls in line with the pattern description. Lower expression mosaics can be mostly striped or reticulated, with some bold patterning seeming to do its own thing. [2]


    The belly is unaffected by this trait.


    The tail is unaffected by this trait.


    The threshold of expression labels is not yet well defined. As we continue to produce and pair mosaics, a greater understanding of the genetics will hopefully come to light. [3]

    Proven Lines

    No known proven lines


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