Whittier Mud California Kingsnake by Palm Beach Colubrids
Whittier Mud California Kingsnake by Palm Beach Colubrids

    Whittier Mud

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Rarest

    Last Updated: 2022-03-10

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    Whittier is a recessive mutation.

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    This form was first discovered around the 1960s or '70s and was known as the LAX black king. Years later, Don Huffman found a chocolate brown female around the year 2000. He found another female the following year, but never turned up any more after that. Through word of mouth, this locale became very popular and well known, but it wasn’t for at least another 10 years before two more examples were found there. In the early 2000’s, Don collected a normal banded male from the same locale and bred it to one of his Whittier mud females. This resulted in a clutch containing two Whittier muds with the rest being banded. The banded male must have been heterozygous. He gave one of those babies to a well known Cal king breeder, Gary Keasler. [1]

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    Some individuals may have several bands after the head before turning aberrant. [2]


    The pattern on this morph is highly variable. It can have a degree of striping along with bars, dots, dashes, and a wavy stripe.

    There seems to always be aberrant type patterning on the sides. White or yellow often shows through the light brown markings on the lower sides more than anywhere else.

    Dual pinstriping can also occur randomly running lengthwise on the upper part of the snake separated by four scale rows creating a reverse striped effect. Some individuals will only show traces of one pinstripe. [3]


    The belly is almost solid brown and the aberrant markings are tan to light brown. [4]

    Proven Lines

    No known proven lines

    Related Traits

    Reverse Stripe, Barred


    No combo pictures yet.

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    Whittier Mud California Kingsnake by Palm Beach Colubrids

    Whittier Mud California Kingsnake by Palm Beach Colubrids