Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by LM Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by LM Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Moonbeam Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Moonbeam Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Kawaii Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Kawaii Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Aztec Exotics
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Aztec Exotics
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Silver’s Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Silver’s Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by NoCo Exotics
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by NoCo Exotics
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by LM Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by LM Geckos
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Vegasgecko
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Vegasgecko
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Wards World Of Reptile Propagation
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Wards World Of Reptile Propagation
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Wilde Eye Exotics
Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko by Wilde Eye Exotics

    Bold Stripe

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Higher

    Last Updated: 2022-02-14

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    Genetically, Bold Stripes are thought to be Line Bred although some say they are recessive. Line Bred and Recessive Bold Stripes are currently being considered the same Genotype. [1]

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    The head is unaffected by this trait.


    The body of the Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko display a pattern-free yellow dorsal betwixt dark pigmetented lines which give this trait its name.

    Leopard Geckos possessing a wide stripe of light ground color down the mid-dorsum, flanked by lines of dark patterning are often marketed as Bold-Stripe. [2]


    The belly is unaffected by this trait


    The tail is unaffected by this trait.


    We believed the morph to be polygenetic in the beginning, but now after years of working with them we believe the Bold to be polygenetic and the Stripe to be polygenetic but to have incomplete dominant tendencies (jungle x jungle produced 25% banded/aberrant, 50% jungles and 25% striped and breeding stripe x jungle the offspring were roughly 50% stripes and 50% jungles). [3]

    Proven Lines

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