Goldeneye Blood Python by April Homich
Goldeneye Blood Python by April Homich
Golden Eye Short-tailed Python by Bob Clark Reptiles
Golden Eye Short-tailed Python by Bob Clark Reptiles
Goldeneye Blood Python by Gx3 Reptiles
Goldeneye Blood Python by Gx3 Reptiles
Golden Eye Short-tailed Python by Bob Clark Reptiles
Golden Eye Short-tailed Python by Bob Clark Reptiles
Golden Eye Blood Python by Olympian Exotics
Golden Eye Blood Python by Olympian Exotics
Golden Eye Blood Python by Olympian Exotics
Golden Eye Blood Python by Olympian Exotics
Golden Eye Blood Python by Snakes 'N' Stuff
Golden Eye Blood Python by Snakes 'N' Stuff
Goldeneye Blood Python by Giantkeeper Reptiles
Goldeneye Blood Python by Giantkeeper Reptiles
Magpie Blood Python by Giantkeeper Reptiles
Magpie Blood Python by Giantkeeper Reptiles
Goldeneye Blood Python by Giantkeeper Reptiles
Goldeneye Blood Python by Giantkeeper Reptiles

    Golden Eye

    Aliases: Het Magpie

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Rarest

    Last Updated: 2022-06-30

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    This extremely beautiful morph is one of the most extreme genes in the entire snake world. [1]

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    No history yet.

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    Beautiful gold color with a reduced pattern makes for a very impressive animal. [2]

    Proven Lines


    • First Produced By: Vida Preciosa International (358068)
    • First Produced In: Unknown

    There are variations within the Golden Eye morph! The Carmine is a lineage of GE that really is quite different looking because it has a lot of pattern on it and some deep red coloration. But when bred to a GE, also makes the “super” Magpies. So basically “Carmine” and “GE” are both individual lineages of the same incomplete dominant trait. It shows you how much variation is in a single morph. Initially we thought they were two totally different things, but breeding proved them to be the same. You can only imagine the speculation that would have ensued if these were ball pythons!! [1:1]

    Related Traits

    No known related traits


    • 007 (Golden Eye Matrix)
    • Pixel (Batik Golden Eye)

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