• Overall Ratings Score: 5.0 (3)
  • Percent Positive: 100% from all time
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Below is feedback left by buyers about this user.
Beautiful snake. Delivered himself personally. Fantastic breeder for quality. Would purchase again in the future.
Rating by s***s for Banana Enchi Pastel Fire Ph Clown Ball Python
5 stars well earned. My snake is as beautiful and healthy as described. Jakub from Carnivore, updated me until he was ready to let him go. And is still answering my questions post delivery. Would definitely use Carnivore again. Faultless 💯
Rating by m***6 for Banana Enchi Fire Ph Clown Ball Python
Just picked up my little banana today he is very healthy and bright exactly as described answered all my questions about set up feedings and gave me plenty of updates while my snake was on hold until I could pick him up would definitely recommend
Thank You, I hope you guys enjoy the little guy for many years to come! Any questions don't hesitate to pop us a message 😊
Rating by b***4 for Banana Fire Ph Clown Ball Python

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