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Joined on Dec 21, 2017
Joined on Dec 21, 2017
Our goal at Sophisticated Serpents is to produce high quality animals and help get people into the amazing hobby of reptile keeping ! We specialize in Reticulated Python and Ball Python morphs. After years of working for Bob Clark Reptiles and later Prehistoric Pets me and my wife opened up our own breeding operation. We take great care in providing an above and beyond customer service experience and offer life time support to our customers , it’s what makes the Sophisticates Serpents experience Sophisticated ! We partner with Total Domination Reptiles, our Reticulated Pythons can be purchased through either party.
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Payment plans are available with a 25% non refundable down payment and 30 days to pay off the animal. Live arrival is guaranteed with a signature upon arrival. We guarantee the health of our animals for 3 months (please update us if you have any concerns so we can help with husbandry issues)! At the current time due to delays in delivery to residential areas we are only shipping to FedEx hubs.
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