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Joined on Apr 17, 2023
Joined on Apr 17, 2023
Joshua D Halter
Houston, TX, USA
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Actively supporting USARK with a Gold Membership
Gained 250 followers on their store profile
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Actively supporting USARK with a Gold Membership
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Gained 25 followers on their store profile
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The Bio Dude has been in business for over 6 years. I personally, have been keeping and breeding reptiles and amphibians for over 20 years. I am a dry good manufacturer but also occasionally list some of my executed projects and CB specimens for sale here. All animals that may be listed are also for sale at our point of sale here in Houston.
I take pride in all of my animals and my brand so if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]
Due to lower temperatures across the states, we will be fulfilling orders at our discretion to ensure the safety of your future animals.
Before purchasing, completion of our animal contract is required to ensure compliance with our purchasing policies. We also mandate overnight shipping, and you must be available to receive the package upon delivery.
In the event of a DOA (Dead on Arrival), The Bio Dude must be contacted within 30 minutes of delivery at 717-305-0684 or via email at [email protected]. Claims submitted outside of this window will not be accepted. Additionally, we will require photos of the packaging and the specimens for claim processing.
The Bio Dude Inc.
15116 Highway 3
Webster, TX 77598
Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm CST | Saturday 10am-5pm CST | Sunday CLOSED
Contact: (717) 305-0684
[email protected]
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specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
2 Other Pythons
2 Other Geckos
1 Other Frogs
1 Anoles
1 Tree Frogs
1 Other Skinks
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