Lereh Green Tree Python by BHB Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by BHB Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by TSK, Inc.
Lereh Green Tree Python by TSK, Inc.
Lereh Green Tree Python by Natural World Exotics LLC
Lereh Green Tree Python by Natural World Exotics LLC
Lereh Green Tree Python by Underground Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by Underground Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by Underground Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by Underground Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by Underground Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by Underground Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by Wilbanks Captive Bred Reptiles
Lereh Green Tree Python by Wilbanks Captive Bred Reptiles


    Type: Other

    Issues: N/A

    First Produced In: Unknown

    Availability: Average

    Last Updated: 2022-11-30

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    Unfortunately, it is a myth that these animals stay yellow and for this reason they are still relatively expensive. There is no guarantee that the animals will remain yellow until the end of their lives. As they age, they often change their color to normal green. There are still enough specimens that stay yellow, but unfortunately you don’t know what that is in advance. [1]

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    They are distinguished from the Sorong and Jayapura types by unique small tear-drop shaped dorsal markings. Generally speaking, blue scales on these animals tend to be less bright than other mainland types. Some specimens also display black pigment on the edges of their scales. It is assumed that the change in color is not yet complete by the age of 5 and that it not only begins later, but also proceeds more slowly with this species. [2]

    Proven Lines

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