Type: Incomplete Dominant
First Produced By: NERD
Aliases: Sugar, White-Sided, Bubblegum
First Produced In: 2002 [1]
Availability: Common
Last Updated: 2023-01-25
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The Calico Ball Python is a colour and pattern altering mutation that can easily be told apart from a Normal Ball Python by its extreme contrasting colours, golden “alien heads” outlines and splashes of white pigmentation.
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The head of a Calico Ball Python is very similar to that of a Normal Ball Python, though with slightly darker tones fading to a light crown.
The body of the Calico Ball Python is usually covered in dark “alien heads”, outlined with deep golds and bright yellows. Random splashes of white scales, usually originating from the ventral side, can range from a slight marker to completely covering the animal. Though the white pixelation usually occurs within the “alien heads”, it can be present anywhere on the body.
The tail of the Calico Ball Python is usually dominated by a dark dorsal stripe that can display white patches of scales like the body.
Sugar Balls originated in Europe from a breeder named Rene Valentin back in the late Nineties. Then a few years later a similar looking ball popped up from African shipments & it was named “Calico”. [2]
Biancaball is a line of Calico that was first produced at Massilia Regius in 2013.
Flora & Fauna’s line
No known related traits.
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