Confusion Ball Python by Ken Macek Reptiles
Confusion Ball Python by Ken Macek Reptiles
Confusion Ball Python by Deans Reptiles and Rodents
Confusion Ball Python by Deans Reptiles and Rodents
Confusion Ball Python by Brad Boa Reptiles
Confusion Ball Python by Brad Boa Reptiles
Confusion Ball Python by Wine Country Reptiles
Confusion Ball Python by Wine Country Reptiles
Confusion Ball Python by Cassella Constrictors
Confusion Ball Python by Cassella Constrictors
Confusion Ball Python by Xclusive Snakes
Confusion Ball Python by Xclusive Snakes
Confusion Ball Python by Hamiball Pythons
Confusion Ball Python by Hamiball Pythons
Confusion Female Ball Python by Ball Python Shed
Confusion Female Ball Python by Ball Python Shed
Confusion Ball Python by Austrian Reptiles
Confusion Ball Python by Austrian Reptiles


    First Produced In: 2012 [1]

    Availability: Higher

    Last Updated: 2022-03-21

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    Confusion is a Dominant trait founded in 2012.

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    No history yet

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    The head of the Confusion Ball is usually very dark brown/black with a lighter splattered stamp in its center.


    The body of the Confusion Ball Python usually starts out with bright yellow colouration that fades with age between jet black “puzzle” pattern between banded and splattered “alien heads”.


    The tail of the Confusion Ball Python is usually dominated by messy “alien heads” on either side of the dorsal stripe.

    Proven Lines

    No known proven lines

    Related Traits

    Acid (suspected), Static (suspected)


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