Type: Dominant
First Produced By: Kicks Balls
Complex: Complex: Acid
First Produced In: 2008
Availability: Average
Last Updated: 2022-04-18
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Static is a dominant mutation discovered by Kicks Balls in 2008.
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Fred Kick - "The original ball python breeding was male spider to a female pastel hoping to make some bumblebees, which were the hot morph at the time. Out of this clutch I made a few pastels, a spider and two bumblebees. I had great odds, not a normal in the clutch. At first glance I thought one snake was a very odd patterned pastel. She was more golden in color, had a very odd pattern and a really unique underside with a belly like one I had never seen before. I held her back, and waited the years for her to mature so that I could breed her and try to reproduce this uniqueness. As I was raising her up I bred the same male spider to many females including the female pastel that produced the odd baby to see if lightening could strike twice, but it didn’t. To this day I have never produced another odd snake from either parent .
After the long wait, I finally had put enough size on this odd female to breed her. First year breeding her, we took an ultrasound of her and she had 35mm follicles and I thought I was golden. I waited and waited and she ended up reabsorbing. Maybe next year, it happens to the best of us. The season went on and I produced a bunch of other combos and put this project on the back burner hoping that next year might be the year.
Next season rolled around, and the odd female was up to the challenge at a stout 1,700 grams. I had confidence that she was going to go finally. I picked out a nice proven super pastel male to breed her with to make sure the job got done. She had a small clutch that produced one female pastel version of her. I was pretty stoked to now have two odd looking snakes, proving that it was genetic, and can reproduce itself making it a new base morph.
The following year was the real excitement. The original static female was up to size again and I picked out a different male. This year she was getting a male super pastel yellow belly. She laid a nice clutch, 57 days rolled around and they started pipping. I walked into my incubator that morning, and couldn’t believe what I saw, the colors were straight out of a cartoon and looked like it was glowing. Neon purple and yellow, with a crazy banded pattern, except the front third of its body had a dissolved pattern. Not a single snake, ball python or other, has ever had a pattern such as this one. I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to produce this one of a kind insanely vibrant gem.
Many new base morphs over the years have been proven to be very similar to morphs that exist already, or different bloodlines of the same morph. I got extremely lucky that these statics do not look like any other base morph on the market. Starting a new project with a lone baby female has been challenging, but playing the waiting game has been well worth it. This project is in its infancy, and I can’t wait to see what else will be produced from this exciting new morph." [1]
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The head of the Static Ball is usually very dark brown/black with a lighter splattered stamp in its center.
The body of the Static Ball Python usually starts out with bright yellow colouration that fades with age between jet black “puzzle” pattern between banded and splattered “alien heads”.
The tail of the Static Ball Python is usually dominated by messy “alien heads” on either side of the dorsal stripe.
No known proven lines
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Static Pastel Enchi Orange Ghost Ball Python by Kicks Balls
Static Pastel 100% Het Orange Ghost Ball Python by Kicks Balls
Static Mojave Ball Python by Kicks Balls
Static Spotnose Ball Python by Jbt Exotic Reptiles
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