Type: Recessive
First Produced By: Wilbanks Captive Bred Reptiles
First Produced In: 2008 [1]
Availability: Average
Last Updated: 2022-06-28
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The Orange Crush Ball Python was first discovered by Mike Wilbanks in 2003 and proven recessive in 2008.
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The Orange Crush Ball Python was first produced by Mike Wilbanks in 2008 from a male he imported in 2003.
In 2004, Mike bred the imported male and all of the babies hatched out appearing normal.
In 2005, he bred him to NERD’s line of Orange Ghost and again all of the babies hatched out appearing normal, but this time they were at least het for Orange Ghost.
Around 2008, Mike bred back the 2005 babies and produced the first Orange Crush Ball Pythons that looked like the original male import, to prove the gene to be recessive. [2]
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The head of an Orange Crush Ball Python has a dark golden/orange crown and blushing towards the neck.
The Orange Crush Ball Python still carries the ‘alien heads’ pattern of a Normal Ball Python, but with a wobbly look to them, with high amounts of blushing throughout.
Orange Crush Ball Pythons very rarely show any marking on their bellies, leaving a bright pearly set of scales.
The tail of an Orange Crush Ball Python is just like that of a Normal Ball Python pattern-wise, but following the orange colouration.
No known proven lines.
No known related traits.
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Orange Crush Enchi Ball Python by Wilbanks Captive Bred Reptiles
Champ Crusher Yellow Belly Ball Python by Wilbanks Captive Bred Reptiles
Champ Crusher Paradox Yellow Belly Ball Python by Wilbanks Captive Bred Reptiles
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