Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos3
Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos3
Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos2
Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos2
Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos1
Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos1
1Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos
1Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    Glow Madness

    First Produced By: 2006

    Aliases: GM Line Albino

    Issues: Photophobia

    First Produced In: Jérémie Bouscail (145648)

    Availability: Rarest

    Last Updated: 2024-10-20

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    Created by Jérémie Bouscail of JB Reptiles in around 2006 from a combination of his ‘Glow’ and ‘Madness’ Lines.

    ‘The project started with some SHTCTB crossed into some very bright coloured, contrasted & high black spotted Lavender High Yellows. The animals resulting from this cross were highly contrasted yellow/orange with lots of black spotting but almost no Hypo influence. These specimens were then crossed into some basical Tremper Albino to give the 1st generation of what became a few years later an easily recognizable and stable line under the name “JBR Glow”.’ - JBR on the founding of the Glow line (translated from French). [1]

    ‘It’s a line [that] aims to group several polygenic traits, from head pattern genetics sourced from Bandits, Carrot Heads to other types of traits ranging from Stripes, Bold Stripes, Red stripes, Lavenders and so on. In sum, it’s a wide pool of linebred traits assembled together. Consequently, a broad range of phenotypes are possible, each with its atypical expression. They were first bred also by JBReptiles and its early selections predate 2006.’ - David Silva of Wabisaur Geckos on the founding of the ‘Madness’ line. [2]

    The two lines were merged in the late 2000s to create the Glow Madness line.

    The line was championed by JB Reptiles from 2006 - present, and by Wabisaur Geckos from around 2009 - 2024.

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    The GM line often exhibits very purple - reddish eyes, with lots of pigment and veining.


    Glow Madnesses come in three types, banded, hypo, and jungle. Despite the difference in pattern, all three types share the typical GM characteristics - peachy orange base with an excess of peachy and lavender tones, with high contrast patterning and markings which are almost reminiscent of WY Mack Snow Albino combinations in higher quality animals. The head patterns are usually bold, with rune-like swirls and markings.


    The GM line exhibits clean tails

    Proven Lines

    Related Traits

    The Glow Madness line is often combined with the Ghost gene, as well as the Vermillon gene.


    No Combo Pictures Yet. Below Are Single Genes.

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    Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    Tremper Albino (Glow Madness Line) Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    1Tremper Glow Madness Ph Eclipse Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    1Tremper Glow Madness Ph Eclipse Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    Tremper Glow Madness Ph Eclipse Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos

    Tremper Glow Madness Ph Eclipse Leopard Gecko by Wabisaur Geckos