Type: Polygenic
Issues: N/A
First Produced In: Unknown
Availability: Higher
Last Updated: 2023-03-07
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Super Hypo Leopard Geckos are line bred to not have any spots. Sometimes they are born with spots but later loose them as they age. They can only be labeled as Super Hypo if there are no spots present on the body
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There are no issues with Super Hypo Leopard Geckos.
No history yet.
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The head is often normal and has spots. Most Super Hypos have spots on the head. It is not uncommon for lines of super hypo not to have any spots on the head but those would be labeled as Super Hypo Baldy.
The body of a Super Hypo Leopard Gecko does not have any spots. It is often a lighter color than wild-type leopard geckos.
The tail of a Super Hypo Leopard Gecko looks normal and has spots. It is common for Super Hypos to also have Carrot Tail but this is not required for the gecko to be labeled as Super Hypo.
No known proven lines
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