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Joined on Jul 15, 2016
Joined on Jul 15, 2016
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Supported MorphMarket with continuous paid membership since 2017
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JD Constriction is a small designer ball python breeder who specializes in the amazing silver, black and white Axanthic gene.
Due to our specialization in ball pythons, and in particular the Axanthic gene, we are able to produce amazing animals that are the best quality out there.
We work with only the best examples of any gene we bring into our collection. Each animal is selectively bred to ensure we have the best quality versions of any particular morph we have, not just in terms of appearance but also in terms of feeding and productivity.
We aren’t just looking to produce animals in volume, we are looking to produce the best animals in every way, shape, and form. We believe a great animal isn’t just amazing to look at, it’s also an avid breeder, an excellent feeder, an amazing producer and, in short, is perfect in every way.
Our number one goal is to produce animals that are the best examples out there and are truly investment quality.
John Dague
[email protected]
JD Constriction, LLC.
Shipping to Fed Ex Hubs only!
All prices do not include shipping and are subject to change without notice.
Shipping runs approximately $40 to $70 depending on destination for most packages.
For a complete listing of all animals we have available for sale see our webpage masterlist:
For all of our terms of sale please see:
MorphMarket's Default Store Policy
specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
29 Ball Pythons
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