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Joined on Aug 06, 2017
Joined on Aug 06, 2017
Mark Regal
London, UK
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Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
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Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
We focus on combining recessive combos with strong patterns, high contrast and bright colours. Our goal is to produce the highest quality animals that retain their beauty through their long lives, never dulling down and maintaining a clean appearance.
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Please review Terms carefully before making a purchase. We encourage feedback and suggestions. Our aim is to ensure a fair transaction for both parties, with no surprises or ambiguity.
We make every effort to ensure your transaction is a positive one. Emails and phone calls will be answered promptly and customers will be treated with respect. All animals will be honestly represented and 100% healthy at the time of delivery. Animals are guaranteed to be free of mites and ticks at the time of delivery. Every effort will be made to properly sex animals, but please be sure to confirm the sex upon receipt.
If for whatever reason you are not happy with the animal you receive, you must notify us within 48 hours for a refund. The customer will be responsible for all return shipping costs and arrangements.
Animals must be returned 100% healthy at the earliest possible shipping date. The animal may be held in quarantine upon return for a few days to ensure it is healthy before refunding the cost of the animal.
It is the customer’s responsibility to learn how to properly care for the animals they purchase. We can not take responsibility for a person’s lack of knowledge or poor husbandry skills. If we determine that a customer lacks the proper experience or facilities to care for an animal, the transaction will be terminated.
Every heterozygous (het) gene carrier produced here at Regal Pythons is immediately photographed and assigned a unique ID code. Your invoice will come with a photographed certificate detailing the genetics of any heterozygous animals you purchase. We have photo archives of every het we have ever produced or sold.
Our guarantee is for the life of the animal even if you decide to sell it. We will verify the genetics of any animal 1, 2, or even 10 years later as a service to our customers.
This way your animal will retain it’s value and you will be able to sell it for full value even if you are not a well known breeder.
When hatching multi gene animals often times breeders will identify the combination of genes by making an educated guess based on past experience. In these cases the genetics can only be verified through actual breeding trials. All customers should understand the risk associated with purchasing an animal with a theoretical or presumptive ID. Sometimes the animal you end up with may prove to have a different genetic make up than anticipated. This could turn out to be good if the customer ends up with a new or extra genes. Or it could be bad if the customer ends up with less or an undesirable gene. Be sure to understand the difference between definitive and theoretical labels on animals you purchase from us or elsewhere. Ask about the parental stock that produced the offspring and consider the outcome carefully. The only guarantee that anyone can make regarding Theoretical IDs is mistakes will happen, presumptions will on occasion prove false.
We can only guarantee that multi-gene animals with a “Theoretical ID” will be identified to the best of our ability and we will NEVER intentionally mislead or deceive a customer regarding the genetic make up of an animal.
We will only process and ship animals that were acquired directly from Regal Pythons. We do not provide broker services for CITES related shipping. We will not process CITES for other breeder’s animals.
We offer shipping to most locations around the World via multiple couriers including DDI. We can also deliver to the Hamm and Houten reptile shows.
Shipping costs will vary, email for a quote.
All animals delivered in UK through Ridgeway Couriers or Reptile Couriers EU. We guarantee live arrival and takes full responsibility for delivering animals safely to the customer.
If the animal dies in transit, we will replace the animal if possible with an equivalent animal or issue credit for the full amount of the purchase which can be used towards the purchase of any animal.
Payment plans will be made available on a case-by-case basis on purchases of £300 or more. Payment plans will generally be between 1 to 3 months in duration depending on the amount of the purchase. To hold an animal we require a non-refundable deposit (typically 20%) and an agreed upon due date for full payment. The 20% non-refundable deposit can not be sent through PayPal and must be sent by bank transfer.
After the minimum deposit is received the animal/s will be taken off the market and held for the customer. Animals will be fed and maintained as usual with no extra charge to the customer. If for whatever reason the customer can not complete the payment plan as agreed to, all monies in excess of the non-refundable deposit will be refunded after the animal is reposted and sold at current market price. The non-refundable deposit is not transferable and it is meant to absorb the costs associated with holding and removing the animal from market.
NOTE: Failure to pay by the agreed upon date will result in cancellation of the payment plan and loss of non-refundable deposit. Please do not enter into a payment plan unless you are certain you can pay as agreed.
All prices are subject to change and Regal Pythons should be contacted to confirm any listed price. As these animals mature and gain weight they also gain in value. Therefore, prices may be adjusted accordingly. We will honor any price that was agreed upon during negotiations of sale. Package deals and discounts are always available. Please email or call for details.
For your convenience, payment can be made by bank transfer or PayPal.
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