Type: Incomplete Dominant
First Produced By: Debated
Complex: Black Eyed Leucistic Complex
Aliases: Het Black-eyed Lucy, Het Black-eyed Leucistic, Het Black-eye Lucy, Het Black-eye Leucistic
First Produced In: 2003 - 2005 [1]
Availability: Common
Last Updated: 2022-07-13
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The Fire Ball Python is known as a colour enhancing morph, with it being used in many combos to clean up patterns and make colours more vibrant. Baby Fire Ball Pythons can vary in tone and can be hard to tell from a Normal Ball Python for inexperienced breeders, but with pretty much each shed, the browns become more yellow. By adulthood, they can easily be told apart.
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The Fire mutation was first noticed around 1995 by NERD in one of their animals.
In the early 2000s, a breeder from the UK named Eric Davies also noticed a similar trait in his animals. In 2003, he produced the super form, which is a Black-Eyed Leucistic.
Davies’ and NERD’s lines were paired together and produced more Black-Eyed Leucistics.
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The head of a Fire Ball Python is usually topped with a heavily faded crown, often with a lighter spot in its center. Lips and nostril scales can range from a shocking yellow to a tanned white.
The body of a Fire Ball Python follows the “alien head” pattern of a Normal Ball Python, but much brighter tones are displayed.
The Belly of a Fire Ball Python is usually clean and crisp, with faded patches of pattern visible along its sides.
The tail of a Fire Ball Python is similar to that of a Normal, but following the colourations of the Fire gene. Usually patterns come to an end with a solid stripe or tight beading.
Lone Star Reptiles Line
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