Type: Recessive
First Produced By: David Turcotte
Aliases: Lav
Issues: N/A
First Produced In: 2005
Availability: Rarest
Last Updated: 2023-11-19
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They have a dark purple tongue and eyes.
Lavenders hatch with a red tint but the red fades away as they age leaving a lavender color behind.
Their colors seem to range from silver with a purple/red tint surrounding their saddles, washed out golden brown, and soft greys with purple hues. Often, regardless of their “color”, red tinting can be found along the sides of saddles. [1]
Lavender Bellies often have a diluted color when compared to the black belly of a normal hognose, which results in the deep purple color. Their speckles seem to be consistently white, though it could potentially be a very soft yellow. [2]
No known proven lines
It is compatible with Evans Hypo (creating Purple Haze) and T- Albino (creating Coral)
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