Store: Ball Python Shed

  • Overall Ratings Score: 5.0 (171)
  • Percent Positive: 99% from all time
  • Reciprocated Ratings: 93% over last 90 days
  • View Buyer Ratings or Store Profile

Rating Trends

3 months 12 months all
Positive (5 Star) 14 75 170
Neutral (3 Star) 0 0 1
Negative (1 Star) 0 0 0

Detailed Ratings

Average Count
Item as described 171
Seller communication 171
Shipping time 171
Shipping packaging 171
Below is Neutral (3 Star) feedback left by buyers about this user.
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Snake was in great shape and well cared for. Healthy. They were helpful in helping me understand a gene I was not familiar with.. most of the packaging was perfect. We disagree on when to use a heat pack. I will buy from him again in the summer month
We appreciate your business and we work to educate new buyers on all aspects, from genes to proper shipping. Per shipping guidelines heat packs are prohibited if origin or destination are over 70 deg. Your daytime high was 74 and en route hub was 76
My arrival temp was 48. I picked him up in the am it was 52 at that time. I think the Animal and the packaging and your customer service was about as good as it gets in the reptile world.. the heat pack , we differ on that.
Rating by l***e for HI OD Gene X Het Pied Ball Python

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