Bloodlines by Rich Macias

Standard Member

Joined on Jul 24, 2016


Standard Member

Joined on Jul 24, 2016



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Rich Macias

Las Vegas, NV, USA

PayPal Goods & Services, Venmo, Personal Check, Cashier's Check, Cash, Money Order

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Supported MorphMarket with continuous paid membership since 2017


Liked 100 times on a single ad


Rated 25 times as a seller in a transaction

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Welcome to Bloodlines by Rich Macias – your go-to destination for Ball Pythons! With 30 years of reptile experience, I've accumulated a very nice ball python collection! I'm currently getting back into Western Hognose Heterodon Nasicus and willing to trade ball python project for Hoggies!!

Learn about breeding and caring for these amazing creatures, whether you're new or experienced. Our ball pythons are special, bred with pride and exceptional bloodlines.

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Store Policy

Our pricing structure is based on the current market value of each animal. We take into account various factors such as genetic lineages, maturity, breeding season, and the quantity available. These variables influence the individual pricing of our animals, ensuring fair and reflective prices that align with their unique attributes and demand in the market.

Sale Terms:
All sales final, No cash refunds.
Live arrival guaranteed with future credit only.
U.S. FedEx overnight shipping only, email for an accurate shipping quote.

Payments accepted:
Payments with credit card & debit cards can be processed in the form of Paypal, U.S. Postal Money Orders, and Bank Cashier Checks.

90 DAY PAYMENT PLANS WELCOMED, 90 Day Payment Plan Terms:
10% Deposit Required to reserve any ball python(s) to enter a 90 day payment plan. Paypal, Checks, & Money Orders Accepted.

Example; If the original payment is placed on Jan. 5, the complete payment balance is due 90 days later. If the buyer decides against or is unable to complete the purchase during this period, the seller (Rich Macias) reserves the right to offer the animals for public sale on the 91st day with all payments made withing the 90 days permanently held and recorded by the towards a future credit of available ball pythons.

ALL PAYMENTS ARE FINAL, NO CASH REFUNDS, with one exception. The animals held during the payment period falls ill or passes away while in the care of the seller.

By sending in an original payment, the buyer is agreeing and accepting the 90 day terms and conditions listed above.

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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“Very accommodating. She was healthy and active when delivered. Would buy again.”


“Great breeder to work with. Smooth process from deposit to shipment, and I received a very healthy and gorgeous python!”



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