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Joined on Jul 14, 2020
Joined on Jul 14, 2020
David Annonio
Morgantown, WV, USA
Credit Card, Debit Card, Venmo, CashApp, Cash, Other
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Gained 250 followers on their store profile
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Rated 25 times as a seller in a transaction
Gained 250 followers on their store profile
Gained 100 followers on their store profile
Liked 50 times on a single ad
Rated 25 times as a seller in a transaction
Rated 10 times as a seller in a transaction
Gained 25 followers on their store profile
Gained 10 followers on their store profile
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Liked 10 times on a single ad
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2024
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2023
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2022
Supported MorphMarket with paid membership for 2021
Started a hobby years ago out of a love for snakes and reptiles in general that has turned to breeding and sales! I have a deep love for all reptiles but snakes are what I specialize in. We put our reptiles care, love and comfort before money, no matter what. We take in rescues and special needs snakes as well that you won’t see on here but can check out on our Facebook and Instagram if you’d like to keep up with us.
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We have moved just about everything over to Square as our main payment system but can accept cashapp and Venmo. We charge a 3% fee on all transactions. We do overnight shipping with live arrival guarantee as long as temps are not below 40 or above 90 degrees, all sales, deposits and payments are final. Dave's Danger Noodles LLC reserves the right to cancel any sales or payment plans at any time if: payment is not met, if the timeframe given for payment plans is not honored, if at any time I believe the animal going into your care is in imminent danger, or otherwise.
Box must be opened within an hour of delivery and we request that buyers take an unboxing video when receiving the animal to indicate health as part of our live arrival guarantee.
We are responsible for the animals health and well being which always comes first, but we cannot be responsible for delays or mishandlings by FedEx.
All packages will be packed to the best of our ability to ensure a safe arrival, including hot or cold packs depending on temperature as well as the use of phase 22 cryopaks. All animals are sexed to the best of my ability but in the event of something arriving off the opposite gender you will be refunded the amount that makes the animal the cheaper of the two genders, whatever that may be. We cannot guarantee live arrival on most amphibians, Crocodile/Armored Skinks, Elephant Trunk Snakes, Water Monitors, and other temperature sensitive and fully aquatic animals but will pack accordingly to accommodate any species shipped, in all our time shipping we have never had an animal sustain injury or perish. Mites are an unfortunate issue in this hobby and everything is treated for mites before shipping regardless of if it has them or not to ensure safety of your collection, you can never be too careful. As part of my guarantee of health, if anything is to ever come into your care with even a single mite, please let me know. I will personally pay for and send you mite spray and treatment.
I run an LLC and am a state accredited business, depending on the circumstances I will most likely have to charge tax unless I do not have a financial presence inside your state. I will do my best to get you the best price on the animals I provide and shipping.
Buyers are responsible to be in accordance with their state and local laws for any species acquired through Dave's Danger Noodles LLC, and assume all responsibility for said species.
Payment plans are a mandatory 40% down of the total fee including shipping unless otherwise agreed upon.
MorphMarket's Default Store Policy
specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
Must buy 5 or more animals to be eligible for wholesale rates. Wholesale is an average of 35% off all animals in the order, not including shipping. Shipping remains a flat rate of $55 for the Midwest and east coast, $65 for the south and $75 for the west coast unless your order weight reaches over 8lbs in which shipping rates will be discussed and agreed upon.
“Dave was quick to respond and helpful in answering any questions that I had throughout the purchasing process. My new boy arrived quickly and he seems to be in excellent health, so Dave definitely knows how to raise beautiful and healthy herps.”
“Great experience for a first-time snake buyer! Purchased a Mexican Black Kingsnake from DDN and they were great. Dave went out of his way to find a female mbk for me after he sold out and answered all of my numerous questions, enthusiastically.”
11 Ball Pythons
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