Ironwood Reptiles

Basic Member

Joined on May 27, 2020


Basic Member

Joined on May 27, 2020



5.0 (14)

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Tucson, AZ, USA

Regional Shipping

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- Captive Bred Reptile Excellence -

Ironwood Reptiles is a family-run professional reptile breeding facility located in the Southwestern United States. We strive to produce the highest quality reptiles, from the highest quality stock, raised under the highest quality conditions.

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Store Policy

Payment methods
We accept most common forms of payment. This includes Credit Card, PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, and Wire transfer.

Shipping is FedEx "hub to hub" only. We ship from a FedEx Ship Center local to us, to a FedEx Ship Center that is local to you. This is safest for the animals, and allows for the shortest transit time possible for them. We ship when weather at the source and destination are both safe for the animal. We utilize industry-wide shipping best practices and employ various forms of insulations, heat/cool packs, phase change packs, and packing methods depending on weather conditions and species being shipped.

Health guarantee - we stand behind every animal we sell
All animals are guaranteed to arrive safely to you and in good health.

Age 18+ or parent/guardian consent needed
If you are under the age of 18 and would like to purchase from us, please have a parent or guardian contact us to arrange for payment and shipping.

Payment plans
Payment plans are considered on a case-by-case basis for larger purchases.

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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