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Joined on Apr 10, 2018
Joined on Apr 10, 2018
Jeff Galewood
Cleveland, OH, USA
Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal Goods & Services, Venmo, Zelle, Wire Transfer, Cash, Western Union, Bitcoin
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Gained 1000 followers on their store profile
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Reptile Breeder and enthusiast. I specialize in Western hognose snakes, fat tail geckos, and leopard geckos. Western hognose ( Heterodon nasicus ) are my favorite species by far and are my main focus. I work with a few other species as well. I am most active on Instagram and post pics regularly for anyone interested in seeing a lot of hognose morphs and information.
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Live arrival and health guarantee. I do payment plans as well. I accept PayPal, Zelle, credit card, BTC, venmo, and checks. I ship Domestically and also export.
Payment Plans: Inquire for more info. I will do customized payment plans per individual if needed. I'm pretty flexible on payment plan options. Typically I require $100 - $200 down ( sometimes $ 50 depends on the price of the animal ) and then 60 days to pay the remaining balance. 30% of the total value of the animal is non refundable if purchaser opts out or decides they don't want to finish the payment plan. If not heard from / no payments had been made in 30 days after any amount has been paid there are no refunds on the previous payments made. If payment plan goes over alloted time, there will be a $50 a month accrued charge for holding and caring for the animal. That's if the plan is still intact.
For Geckos: Live arrival and health guarantee; if you have any questions weeks or months after purchase please don't hesitate to contact me. I don't cover for dropped tails during shipment. It's very uncommon but it is a possibility and their tails do grow back.
Snakes: Live arrival and health guarantee. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding your new pet even if its months after purchasing. Thank you!
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specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
Please contact me for wholesale availability.
488 Hognose Snakes
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