Showcase Serpents

Pro Member

Joined on May 21, 2018


Pro Member

Joined on May 21, 2018



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Adam Chandler

Fairfax, VA, USA

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We are 2 close friends, who as small breeders, work together with our focus solely on investment grade Ball Pythons. Our emphasis is on high end double, triple and quadruple recessive morphs, super healthy stock and great friendly customer service. Quality and customer satisfaction are paramount to us.

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Store Policy

1. Shipping
• All snakes are carefully packed with shipping materials specifically designed to ensure the safe arrival of your purchase. Heat or cold packs are used if appropriate.
• We do not ship in extreme conditions and will not ship when the daytime high temperature at the hub or destination is below 38° or above 90° for the safety of the snake.
• We guarantee live and healthy delivery of all Ball Pythons, but the shipment needs to be received in person and receipt acknowledged within 2 hours either by email, text or phone. We have never had a snake die during delivery but in the highly unlikely event this does happen, please do not freeze or dispose of the snake but contact us immediately.
• We prefer to ship on Monday to Wednesday if possible but other days can be arranged upon request. This ensures that if there is an unexpected delay with delivery, that the Ball Python/s don’t spend the weekend at the courier company’s shipping depot.
• Free shipping to anywhere in continental US is free of charge for all orders over $750. Shipping at cost for all other orders. Please email for details.

2 Genetic Provenance, Health and Gender Guarantee
• We guarantee that all our snakes are 100% correctly sexed.
• All Ball Pythons sold by us are guaranteed to be eating exactly as described when we sold them. We will not sell any animals that are not eating well.
• Because of the increasingly complex projects, even with our experience we can't 100% guarantee accuracy on Co-Dom genes in our animals. (Recessive / Het Genes & correct gender are always fully guaranteed)
• We maintain comprehensive lineage and breeding records of all our animals. If you have any questions or would like to inquire on the lineage of a particular Ball Python you are interested in, please feel free to contact us.

3. Payment and payment plans
• We are able to accept almost any forms of payment including: Apple Cash, Cash, Check, Money Order, Paypal and credit cards.
• Short-term payment plans (typically up to 3 months) are available with a 20% nonrefundable deposit for purchases over $500. While you are paying off the balance of the payment plan, Showcase Serpents will continue to feed and care for your Ball Python to the highest standard and treat it like we do all our own Ball Pythons. All sales and payment plans are not refundable but we do appreciate that life circumstances do sometimes changes. If you cannot keep up with the terms of the agreement, Showcase Serpent will issue you a credit toward a different snake. We are very easy to work with and approachable, so please contact us as soon as there is an issue and we will help you to find a solution that works for both parties. Please contact us directly to discuss payments plans.
• Shipping/delivery arrangements will be made when the outstanding balance is paid in full.

4. General.
• Showcase Serpents cannot sell to any persons under the age of 18 without the written consent of a parent or legal guardian.
• Verifying the legality of owning a Ball Python in your city, state or country is the buyers responsibility. Showcase Serpents cannot independently verify all local laws and ordinances.
• Showcase Serpents reserve the right to decline a sale.

If you have any questions regarding these terms, contact us at [email protected]

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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