SoFlo Reptiles

Standard Member

Joined on Jul 24, 2019


Standard Member

Joined on Jul 24, 2019



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Ethan Rogge

Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

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Regional Shipping

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SoFlo Reptiles specializes in captive bred and designer snakes, geckos and tortoises from around the world. Some of the species we work with include crested geckos, giant day geckos, tokay geckos, leachianus geckos, gargoyle geckos, chahoua geckos, sarasins geckos, milk snakes, corn snakes, kingsnakes, rat snakes, hognose snakes, pine snakes, boas, red footed tortoises, sulcata tortoises, isopods and more. WE BREED MOST OF WHAT WE SELL. This helps ensure that we’re offering healthy animals with good genetics. Items may be shipped or picked up. We have two warehouses. Our main warehouse is located in Weston Florida which is in the Fort Lauderdale metro area. Our secondary warehouse is near UCF in Orlando Florida. We can also coordinate pickup at any of the major Florida reptile shows. All of our contacts and links are here

We sell healthy, well established animals and we're available by phone, text or email anytime. We’ve sold tens of thousands of animals and haven’t had many problems. The few problems we’ve had have been attributed to snakes going off feeding after being shipped or buyers not setting up our animals properly.

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Store Policy

❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️ READY TO BUY?❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
Step 1 - Lookup your shipping price on our calculator Step 2 - Message us just to make sure the item is still available. Step 3 - SEND YOUR PAYMENT! Use Zelle or Venmo unless approved otherwise. All of our links are here >>>>>> Contact Ethan 954-554-5268 or Mark 954-600-3747

You must be 18 years old to purchase. You acknowledge this legally binding contract. By placing an order you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to our terms of sale and agree to pay all expenses including legal fees, court costs, and attorney fees paid by the seller when attempting to collect on a breach of these terms. Our terms of sale SUPERSEDE those provided by MorphMarket and/or the marketplace on which we’re doing business.

Regulations are always changing. You are 100% responsible for complying with all local, state and federal laws. You are expressly responsible for any fines or seizures and you not be refunded if seized or DOA due to related delays.
• CORN SNAKES can’t be shipped to Georgia, West Virginia or New Jersey.
• TEGUS can’t be shipped to Florida, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, or New York City.
• MONITORS can’t be shipped to Massachusetts.
• MILK SNAKES can’t be shipped to Arizona.
• WE CANNOT SHIP TO Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico or outside the USA.
• VET CERTIFICATES are required for GA, ID, OH, VA, WA, WV, MT, UT, MO, MI and IL. Certificates cost $100 and are your responsibility to obtain.
• If you possess a special permit or are otherwise exempt from regulations please advise.

For green iguanas (Iguana iguana) and tegus (genera Salvator and Tupinambis,
all species). We have a commercial sales permit and eradication and control permit.
• These species are only offered for sale outside of Florida with the exception of the areas noted above.
• Green iguanas or tegus will be pit tagged (microchipped) before being shipped.

• We accept Zelle, Venmo, bank wire, Paypal and others.
• All sales are final. There are no refunds.
• Prices are subject to change without notice.
• Payment terms may be accepted on certain animals but must be agreed to before purchase. The minimum deposit must be 25% or $50, whichever is greater. Animals must be paid in full within the agreed time or a maximum of 60 days. We reserve the right to charge an additional fee for feeding and housing animals beyond the terms to which we agree. You default if not paid in full within the terms. Animals ship when they’re paid in full. Deposits are non-refundable. .
• For chargebacks, disputes, or canceled payments the purchaser agrees to pay all expenses, including legal expenses, court costs and attorney fees paid by the seller in endeavoring to collect these invoiced items. All amounts over 60 days shall be subject to a 5% monthly service charge.
• If you refuse a shipment you will not get a refund.
• We do occasionally agree to accept an animal back as a return for credit of the price paid for the animal. We do not credit shipping or return shipping. Under no circumstances will a credit be processed without first returning the animal.

• Animals are shipped FedEx 1-day using specially designed insulated boxes. You will be notified via email, text and/or by FedEx communications when your order ships so you can track it. Shipments are ready to pick-up as soon as 8:30am and you must pick it up within 2 hours.
• We ship to the FedEx depot nearest to the home address you provide. The FedEx system will choose the closest depot. YOU MUST PICK-UP YOUR SHIPMENT FROM FEDEX. You must show ID to pick-up.
• We ship Tuesdays and Wednesdays, our choice.
• We reserve the sole discretion as to when it’s safe or convenient to ship.
• We use FedEx tracking to determine when a shipment is “ready for recipient pickup” versus when it's “delivered” (picked up).
• No LAG on shipments traveling to areas below 40(F) degrees or above 100(F) degrees.
• No LAG on amphibians.
• No LAG on shipments that are NOT picked up within (2) hours from when FedEx makes them “available for pickup”.
• No LAG on shipments delayed due to the buyer providing the wrong address, phone number, email, etc.
• No LAG on shipments modified by FedEx at buyer request.
• No LAG on export orders being sent outside the United States. Our guarantees end once delivered to your exporter.
• No LAG for FedEx delays.
• No LAG if your shipment is refused/rejected/returned to the sender.
• All claims must be made within (30) minutes of receiving the animal. Claims must be accompanied by clear photos of the dead animal shown on top of our shipping label in a single picture. Do not discard the animal or any portion of the packaging until instructed to do so. Our insurance company may request these items in order to approve your claim. Please email or text photos then call immediately.
• All approved claims will be offered another of the same type of animal as a replacement. If another animal is not available, we will offer a credit towards a future order. Credits must be used within (90) days. There are no refunds.
• Live arrival guarantee will only apply to the cost of the animal and not the cost of the original shipping. Additionally, shipping costs for a replacement animal are paid by the buyer.
If you choose to ship to anywhere other than a FedEx hub WE DO NOT OFFER A LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE and you're explicitly accepting all risk.

• We use representative photos for generic or inexpensive animals rather than photographing individually.
• Sexing of animals is done as a courtesy and isn’t guaranteed. For geckos, sexing is more reliable for males but only 100% when the animals are visually dimorphic.

• We guarantee to ship healthy animals that are feeding constantly and growing.
• We’re not responsible for animal temperament and will not refund because it’s skittish or aggressive.
• Most of our snakes are fed defrosted frozen mice of an appropriate size.
• Snakes may refuse food and/or change their feeding preference after the stress of being shipped or handled. We are happy to provide support and suggestions but snakes going off feed is a risk you must be willing to accept.
• Dropped tails on lizards and geckos during shipping will be offered a discount.
• Once delivered and inspected, the wellbeing of the animal is the sole responsibility of the buyer. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VETERINARY COSTS.
• Unless otherwise noted, we do our best to sell reptiles that are in perfect condition and that are free from internal or external parasites, respiratory infection, prolapse, kinks, stuck shed, skinfolds, viruses, etc. For liability reasons we suggest that all animals should be seen by a veterinarian immediately upon receipt.
• You agree to quarantine all new animals for enough time to avoid transferring any illness to other animals in your collection. We are explicitly not responsible for the alleged death or illness of other animals in your collection.
• All guarantees are null and void for animals that are re-shipped, re-sold, exported, etc from their original destination.

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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“From my initial inquiry the seller kept in contact in an excellent manner. The item delivered was just as described. The shipping time was exact. The packaging was great. I can not suggest any improvements, as this was a great experience.”


“Responded in a timely manner,didn't hesitate to answer questions when asked and was able to ship within a reasonable amount of time. Animal arrived in very good packaging and was perfectly safe and healthy. Very satisfied with my purchase.”



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