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Joined on Mar 15, 2020
Joined on Mar 15, 2020
We breed high quality ball pythons & boa constrictors.
Feel free to contact us at any time with
any questions!!
Terms of Sale: Must be 18 years of age or older to purchase any live animal. Must have knowledge of proper care/husbandry of the specific species that you are purchasing, along with having the proper setup ready before animals' arrival.
Deposits/Payments: All animals that are not paid in full will require a 25% non-refundable deposit to hold specific animals for two weeks. Please inquire for personalized payment plans. All deposits & payments are non-refundable. If payments are not received within 72 hours of agreed upon date, all prior deposits/payments will be forfeited, unless other arrangements were agreed upon prior.
Shipping: Shipping will be done Monday through Wednesday only. Someone must be available & waiting for the arrival of the animal(s). Hold at FedEx hub for pickup is an available option. Weather conditions may affect shipping which may require a rescheduled shipping date. Extreme highs or lows may require a hub pickup.
DOA: We have a live animal guarantee on all animals but in the event of a DOA (dead on arrival) please contact us IMMEDIATELY & provide photo/video proof of DOA. Any DOA will be dealt with on an individual basis depending on the specific situation. A refund/replacement will be determined after that point. Live arrival guarantee will be void if package is not opened immediately upon arrival or picked up from FedEx hub by 12:00 pm & opened immediately.
Our Guarantee: All animals are guaranteed to be healthy, eating, mite free, sexed appropriately, & produced by us unless noted otherwise.
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specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.
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