Store: Susquehanna Ectotherms

  • Overall Ratings Score: 5.0 (104)
  • Percent Positive: 99% from all time
  • Reciprocated Ratings: 20% over last 90 days
  • View Buyer Ratings or Store Profile

Rating Trends

3 months 12 months all
Positive (5 Star) 5 25 103
Neutral (3 Star) 0 0 0
Negative (1 Star) 0 0 1

Detailed Ratings

Average Count
Item as described 104
Seller communication 104
Shipping time 104
Shipping packaging 104
Below is Negative (1 Star) feedback left by buyers about this user.
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Before I paid for the Animal I sent several messages to the seller. After paying for the Animal the seller didn't respond for two days. When He did respond he said he had sold the animal and didn't know I had sent a payment. Who does this???
This snake was bought by another buyer. I closed the message thread indicating the snake was no longer available. sent payment anyway. I had no idea he sent payment because he didn't contact me until 2 days later! Refund sent right away.
Rating by d***s for Pastel Clown Ball Python