• Overall Ratings Score: 5.0 (889)
  • Percent Positive: 100% from all time
  • Reciprocated Ratings: 91% over last 90 days
  • View Buyer Ratings or Store Profile

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Positive (5 Star) 41 181 886
Neutral (3 Star) 0 0 2
Negative (1 Star) 0 0 1

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Average Count
Item as described 889
Seller communication 889
Shipping time 889
Shipping packaging 889
Below is Neutral (3 Star) feedback left by buyers about this user.
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No issues receiving or returning. Hopefully a replacement becomes available :) (Previously unnoticed kinks)
Rating by m***n for Dreamsicle Het Clown Ball Python
Having complications with feeding but info has been provided on why. All is well
Glad we were able to help figure it out! Let us know if we can help additionally. Thanks. Justin K.
Rating by o***e for Pastel Chocolate Clown Ball Python