• Overall Ratings Score: 5.0 (905)
  • Percent Positive: 100% from all time
  • Reciprocated Ratings: 88% over last 90 days
  • View Buyer Ratings or Store Profile

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Positive (5 Star) 31 174 902
Neutral (3 Star) 0 0 2
Negative (1 Star) 0 0 1

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Average Count
Item as described 905
Seller communication 905
Shipping time 905
Shipping packaging 905
Below is Negative (1 Star) feedback left by buyers about this user.
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Healthy snakes don't just die under 3 weeks after being received. This female was assist fed once not "force fed" She had eaten twice before just dying on the exact same day as the male that came in with her Snakes are being sent for necropsy
Snakes were healthy and well-established when shipped. Customer did not communicate any concerns until snakes passed after 3 weeks in their care, falling outside the terms of our live arrival/health guarantee. Despite this, we offered a 50% credit.
Tracking # 390595747177 Nov 15th to Dec 5th A day less than 3 weeks. Don't understand why y'all chosen to exaggerate and lie about our transaction and communication. I didn't expect for snakes to die so quickly, hence didn't messagewithin10days
Rating by b***d for Redstripe YB Spotnose Het Clown 66% Het Desert Ghost Ball Python
Bought 2 snakes and they both died one day before 3 weeks of me getting them Both snakes literally died on the same day Male had not eaten but female had ate twice Other snakes received from other sellers on same day as these 2 snakes still alive.
Snakes were healthy and eating great at time of shipment. Customer never communicated any issues or concerns until they died, at which point he revealed he had already force fed them multiple times. Despite this, we offered him a 50% credit.
Rating by b***d for Black Pastel Enchi YB Dbl Het Desert Ghost Clown 50% Het Hypo Ball Python