Prismatic Reptiles

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Joined on Jan 14, 2018


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Joined on Jan 14, 2018



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Joel Reep

Pocatello, ID, USA

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**Thank you to all our loyal customers who helped us to raise $1000 from January 15-February 1, 2024 to sponsor an exhibit in the LegaSea Aquarium in honor of Brian Barczyk!!!**
I am a hobby breeder driven completely by my passion for keeping only the animals I love most. My full-blown obsession has taken me to the point that I now have one of the largest colubrid collections in the country. I only work with animals that interest me and make me say, "I couldn't live without that!". I have been fascinated with reptiles since I was a kid and I fearlessly caught reptiles throughout my childhood. When I got a little older I lost sight of that interest for a while, but in 2012 I took a trip to Las Vegas and did some herping on the way there. I spent two hours chasing a leopard lizard that I never ended up catching and I was hooked from there. As soon as I got home I looked on classifieds and bought my first pair of collared lizards. At my first reptile show in early 2013 I bought some poison dart frogs and the "one snake I would ever own", which was an apricot Pueblan milk snake. By the end of the year I was keeping corn snakes, Cal kings, carpet pythons, ball pythons, gray banded kingsnakes, Arizona mountain kingsnakes, Nuevo Leon kingsnakes, Mex Mex kingsnakes, Durango mountain kingsnakes, hognose snakes, collared lizards, desert horned lizards, Mexican giant horned lizards, panther chameleons and I was breeding my own rodents and insects in preparation for my first breeding season in the spring of 2014. I produced a handful of desert horned lizards, collared lizards, Cal kings, corn snakes and a lone Arizona mountain kingsnake. From that first reptile I ever bred and successfully hatched, I was all in.

Fast forward to today, and I'm still just acquiring everything I've dreamed of working with, and I'm absolutely in love with reptiles more than ever. From learning about natural history, husbandry techniques, and trying to do things that no one else has done, becoming a bona fide herper has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. I have been doing educational shows at schools since the beginning, and I absolutely love field herping for all reptiles, from the most common, to the incredibly rare. I specialize in Mexicana and montane kingsnakes, old world rat snakes, corn snakes, tricolor and Western hognose snakes, collared lizards, horned lizards, and ball pythons.

In March, 2020 I both reluctantly and joyfully left my career working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to pursue breeding reptiles full time. I adored my job of 12 years working with people with special needs, but working with animals and making a living at it has been my dream since I was a kid! YES!!! I am a family man with young children and a loving girlfriend. Between us we have four little ones, so life is busy! Please be patient with me if I am sometimes slow to respond, because even though I work with reptiles for a living, my family and children matter most. Fun facts about me! I've got a bachelor's degree in American Studies from Idaho State University, I lived in Tacoma when I was 18, I have flown a helicopter, and I've been to Australia (and can't wait to go back!).

Our newest endeavor in addition to growing our YouTube channel - please go and have a look - is starting a non-profit reptile zoo here in Pocatello, Idaho. I love to help and teach people and my ultimate dream is to educate people about reptiles and ignite peoples' passion for herps! I want to help people who aren't into reptiles, or even hate or feel fear about reptiles, to overcome their preconceived notions and to see and experience reptiles in a positive light. Our reptile zoo will be a place where people can interact with all different species and learn to love them as much as I do. Stay tuned and please consider supporting it when we open! I love this reptile hobby and am constantly amazed at how many kind and generous people I've met because of the hobby. Thank you all for the lifelong memories and friendships created from the common thread of a love for reptiles and amphibians!

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FB: reptiles
IG: @joelreep_prismatic

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Store Policy

Terms and Conditions
Please understand that these Terms and Conditions are meant to ensure a positive buying experience. We want to be clear about what we do, and what we don’t provide, with the intention of both buyer and selling leaving the transaction satisfied. Happy customers are the most important thing to us, and we have built a sterling reputation from that viewpoint. Please let us know if there is something you would like us to do differently, and open up a dialog if you are ever unsatisfied in any way. We can always work to fix something that didn’t go exactly according to plan, but negativity or bad mouthing anyone in this tightknit hobby is difficult to repair. We ALWAYS try to do the right thing, please understand that and keep lines of communication open! We are confident that you will be a Prismatic Reptiles fan for life, so just give us a try!
Payment - Payments through Zelle, Venmo and Cash App are preferred, but we take PayPal, credit/debit cards and cash if done in person. We will also accept Money Orders, but they are not preferred. You can make payments through PayPal without having an account. If you are unsure how to make a payment through PayPal, you may request that we send you an invoice through there, that will include easy to follow, step by step instructions. We will need a valid email address to send one. Please be aware that PayPal charges an additional 3.5% for invoices. Animals must be paid for in full before they are shipped/delivered. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.
A deposit of 25% of the purchase price can be made in order to put an animal on hold. Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE. Animals can only be placed on hold for 14 days unless other arrangements have been made. If animal is not paid for in full by the end of the 14 days the animal is placed back up for sale and deposit is not refunded.
Shipping - We ship priority overnight via UPS. We make every attempt at saving you money on shipping, so we will put multiple animals in one box whenever possible, and use the smallest box possible. In general, it is our policy only to ship if the forecast temperature at both the destination and origin is between 32F (overnight low) and 92F (daytime high). This may vary a bit depending on the species.
Shipping is only done on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Package must be shipped Hold for Pickup to the nearest UPS Customer Center (not a local Print & Ship Center type location as they do not accept live animals), unless other arrangements have been agreed to. Please check your local laws. We will not knowingly ship animals anywhere that it is against state or local laws.
Shipping costs $50 for one snake, potentially more for multiples. Adult ball pythons can cost up to $80 to ship. We will need your zip code to provide an accurate shipping quote to your area.
Guarantees - There is a 48-hour health guarantee provided that the animal is being kept in conditions up to par with your care sheet standards – please ask for one. All claims regarding health must be made within the 48 hours and have documentation by licensed Veterinarian and/or photo. We are not able to guarantee that the snake will eat within the 48-hour period but know that we only sell snakes that are doing well and apparently healthy. All snakes will have eaten a minimum of three meals unless stated otherwise prior to purchase. Snakes, and other reptiles, are recommended to have an adjustment period with little to no handling of at least a week to get accustomed to their new surroundings. We also provide a live arrival guarantee. The forecast temperatures on the date of delivery must be within the range of 45F-85F for the live arrival guarantee to be valid. The live arrival guarantee only applies for animals that are shipped and held at your local UPS Customer Center for pickup. We do not guarantee live arrival on the home delivery service. Many mishaps are known to happen when reptiles being shipped leave the destination’s hub on the way out for home delivery. This is why we STRONGLY RECOMMEND the Hold for Pickup option. The hub pickup option does allow for more flexibility to pick up your animal(s), but if you would like your live arrival/48-hour guarantees to be valid, the animal must be picked up within 2 hours of arrival at the hub. If the animal sits at the hub all day in unfavorable conditions, that is beyond our control so retrieving the snake asap is in everyone’s best interest. In the unfortunate and extremely rare event that an animal is delivered Dead on Arrival (DOA) please contact us for info on how to document it. You must take a photograph of the deceased animal within 1 hour of delivery and contact us concerning the DOA situation within 4 hours of delivery/arrival at hub, otherwise the guarantee is void. Once we receive documentation, the cost of the animal will be refunded minus shipping costs. Or, if you choose, AND if it is available, a replacement animal will be provided. Shipping cost of a replacement animal is not included in the guarantee.
Insurance - Should you choose to opt for the Home Delivery option, we highly recommend purchasing insurance on the animal. This cost is the responsibility of the buyer to pay. Reptiles Express currently charges $2.60 per $100 in value on the animal insured. For example, insuring a $200 snake would cost you just $5.20 in insurance. Please see their policies at
Returns- There are no returns. Sales are final, and once they are complete the animal belongs to the buyer. If the animal leaves the customer's hub or is picked up by the customer it is no longer returnable to the seller. This is because of the risk of exposing our other animals to disease or mites, etc. In the rare event that the buyer is unable to have the animal or has forgotten to pick up the animal from their local hub and it has been returned to the seller, we will keep or take back the animal and sell it to another customer or back to previous customer, but require a 25% restocking fee (25% of the sale price of the animal).
Genetics - When hatching multi-gene animals, breeders will usually identify the combinations of genes by making an educated guess based on past experience. In these cases the genetics can only be verified through actual breeding trials. All customers should understand the risk associated with purchasing an animal with a theoretical or presumptive ID. Sometimes the animal you end up with may prove to have a different genetic makeup than anticipated. This could turn out to be good if the customer ends up with extra genes or even a new gene. On the other hand, it could be unfavorable if the customer ends up with fewer genes or a gene they didn't necessarily want. Ask about the parental stock that produced the offspring and consider the outcome carefully. When it comes to theoretical IDs, mistakes can happen and presumptions will, on occasion, prove false. The only guarantee that can be made with multi-gene animals with a theoretical ID is that it will be identified to the best of our ability and we will NEVER intentionally mislead or deceive a customer regarding the genetic make-up of an animal. All definite hets (meaning not listed as "possible hets") are guaranteed.
Additional Information
Please provide us with ample time to respond to your inquiry. We have 4 kids and hundreds of animals to care for, so we are not always online. If you send an inquiry about a snake, we get a time stamp of when it was sent so your claim to that animal will be honored if no one else inquired before you. In other words, inquiries are dealt with and animals given by the order in which the inquiries were received. Just because 12 hours goes by between your message and our response doesn't mean that you won't get the animal and to move onto something else. Please be patient and you will get your animal provided that you were the first one to ask for it. If you want a snake that is advertised on MorphMarket, please send a message on MorphMarket, instead of another social media platform/email/text, etc.
Alternatively, if you have inquired about a snake, please try to be responsive to us. If you send an inquiry, you have 4 hours from our initial response to reply back and continue communicating about the sale. We often have many people inquiring about the same snakes and it's unaccommodating to hold up other customers, because someone is being unresponsive or has yet to make a deposit to hold the snake. Once 4 hours of "radio silence" on the buyer's end has passed, we will offer the animal to the second person in line, and so on.
A Prismatic Reptile Word of Advice - As excited as you are to want to buy a beautiful and amazing snake, please be ready to afford its cost and to deliver a quality of care for that snake. If you are not currently able to do so, please allow for someone else to inquire about that snake. It is my promise that I will continue to produce amazing animals for all types of budgets. I built this business one animal at a time, and did it all within my means. When people try to buy snakes they can't afford it begs the question - what will their husbandry be like? Can they afford to house, heat and feed this animal the way it deserves? My advice is to start small and work your way up just like I did! Not everyone can afford an Eastern Indigo for their first snake, and that's absolutely okay! I would much rather sell someone a $20 snake to someone who will give it a $300 enclosure and lots of love and attention, than sell a $300 snake to someone who's going to give it a $20 tank and largely ignore it so they can go and buy another snake. I hope this stance is understandable and agreeable to everyone! Like I said, I want your experience buying from us to be enjoyable for both you and me! Thank you for your understanding!
-Joel Reep, Owner

MorphMarket's Default Store Policy specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy.

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“This seller is so kind, informative, and truly cares about taking the time to make sure the person has all their questions answered. I am so happy with my new snake and my buying experience and would definitely recommend purchasing from this shop!”



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