Archives November 2023

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Wholesale Listings

The ability to buy and sell wholesale animals is now live!

Starting today, approved sellers with a paid membership can view, buy, and sell wholesale animals.

This new feature opens up new opportunities for you to expand your business and reach a wider audience. While participation is not mandatory, we highly recommend exploring the wholesale option. By participating in wholesale, you can increase your visibility on the platform and attract bulk buyers who are ready to make significant purchases.

Sellers have the ability to set their own default wholesale store policy.

To locate wholesale listings, use the "Wholesale" tab under your desired category or click on the "Wholesale" check box in the filters. The wholesale pricing will also be listed on the individual animal listing page.

To learn how to use this feature, click here.

Last update on .

Sellers are now able to list multiple breeding plans!

Breeding Plans help you plan successful projects, track, and promote them.

  • Experiment with pairings and visualize possible outcomes

  • View expected combined outcomes for your entire season

  • Quickly create offspring groups from successful pairings

  • Share breeding plans with the community

Learn more about breeding plans here.

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Aquatics Section

It's oFISHial- MorphMarket is making waves with our new Aquatics Section! Brace yourselves for a sea of opportunities as we introduce this new addition to our site.

The aquatics section features Freshwater Fish, Freshwater Inverts, Saltwater Fish, Saltwater Inverts, and Corals. It will be free to list aquatics for the first six months. So whether you are an existing seller, or new to the site, this is a SHOREfire way to explore an ocean of new possibilities.

If you are a new seller ready to make a splash, there is no betta time to get started. Swim on over to our help articles to learn more:

Dive on in and start listing today!

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