Archives week 39 of 2020

Sept. 28, 2020 - Oct. 4, 2020

Last update on .

Create Ads Fast with Clone

We've just added another convenient way to create new ads for animals which are similar to ones you have already listed. This is useful when entering in a whole clutch, whose members share properties like species, maturity, date of birth, clutch #, genes, description, etc.

  1. Click the new copy icon on the inventory screen (in the left column). This creates a new ad with most of the properties of the old one.
  2. Update any field values and add photos. Make sure you provide a unique serial ID for this animal.

That's it!

(And while it might be tempting, please do not use this to create new ads of the same animal. Our rules only allow creating a single ad for an item, which should be renewed thereafter. Thanks!)

Last update on .

Disabling Auto-Renewal

Sellers can now disable the auto-renewal feature.

Ads are eligible for renewal every several weeks depending on your plan level. When renewed, they jump to the front of some listings and are reshared in the MorphReport. Standard and Premium level members also have an auto-renew feature that will automatically renew as soon possible. You can always see the last time that your ad last renewed by checking the date posted on the ad page.

Some sellers have requested the ability to disable auto-renewal to be able to manually control when their ads renew. As a result, we've added this new option near the bottom of your Seller Profile options which will do exactly that.

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