MorphMarket NFS Version 1.0
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We've been talking up MorphMarket NFS for the last few months.
"MorphMarket NFS" refers to a collection of services which enable us to go beyond sales and support all animals in the herp industry including breeders, holdbacks, and pets.
No more talk. Today we have delivered the first installment.
MM NFS 1.0 is live, and it includes:
(1) New capabilities to help you manage your WHOLE reptile collection and history
- Three visibility settings for ads: Public, Private and Unlisted
- New animal states: Not For Sale, Loaned and Archived
(2) New Animal Manager to more efficiently Explore, Organize and Update your data
- More powerful Search, Filter & Sort
- Inline and Bulk Editing
- Customizable Interface
(3) Initial Lineage Support
- Sellers can create parent animals in seconds
- Buyers can learn more about animals by viewing their parents
- Not For Sale Animal pages
- Breeder NFS galleries on Seller Pages
(4) Data Dashboard to help you stay on top of your animal data
- Analyze summary stats
- Monitor animal status
- And explore the animals behind the numbers
At MorphMarket, our goal is not just to provide the industry a platform to buy and sell, but software services which support the entire lifecycle of breeding.
Stay tuned — there's a lot more coming!
Watch the demo and tutorial videos below to see how to leverage these features.